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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
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346 KB GIF
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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Do NOT post threads / images about "teens", "young girls", "jailbait", "questionable age", or anything that could be construed as advocating pornography involving minors.

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1.44 MB WEBM
Post webms with a noticeable penis size difference. Straight, gay, tranny, interracial, cuckold, any context is OK.
54 replies and 41 images omitted. Click here to view.
true he's probably some lonely faggot with no one to hide it from
I love this video. How she completely forgets about the smaller guy.
no audio?
How would someone find these videos with digging through a bunch of cuck shit?

File: TrannyMeltdown.webm (3.76 MB, 896x504)
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3.76 MB WEBM
Post axe wound gore, tranny meltdowns, troonjak gems, etc.
89 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
Why is she so fucking triggered lmao there's nothing shameful about being a characterized as a trans-woman.
Also her usage of "do you think I was born a man" shows her bigotry. Trans women are always women, even when they were born with a dick and balls they were women.
don't try to justify these retards choices they all dress like shit anyways
On YouTube they straight up auto delete anything even remotely based.
Unlucky for the jews though, I am pretty good at navigating filters (comes from experience I gained while playing Roblox as a child you see).
I really wish someone internally would leak the full list of censored shit from YouTube/ Google. They have to have a list thousands of entries long coded to detect a specific word and spelling and delete or report it
Trannies all need to burn and so do the kikes

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post anything related to law enforcement and cops. traffic stops, bodycam/dashcam footage, chases, arrests, whatever. doesn't have to be from america
240 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.
LOL poor little piggy can't follow along, the whole point is how you dumb fucks view the public.

As stated above Jordon V New London,CT you'll learn something about yourself
Cop played to much Simon says on the CS Jail servers.

You pointed out the hypocrisy of most people. reminds me of Jan 6th when the same people I work with who say protesters should be shot dead for rioting/protesting on gov property. But when the air force bitch gets shot in the head for just that they flip their shit saying it was unjustified.
>the whole point

yes, more schizo ramblings from (you)
Ok bro, I know you're feelings are hurt. I'll let it go now, don't beat your wife because you're mad, she doesn't deserve it.
This officer needs more sensitivity training

webm rel should be the norm

Post how you need it
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who is this
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Lets have a thread dedicated to the only dog breed known as nanny dogs. Pitbull attacks preferred but rekt is also acceptable.
40 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
Its the owner, not the dog, but its always a pitbull
retarded dogs for retarded people
Now with extra retardedness!
>sister thought of getting a dog
>she tossed around the idea of a pitbull
>tell her it's a bad idea
>all of family goes off about how they're nanny dogs
>bring up how so-and-so's grammy had one and it was really well behaved, you just had to be real polite around it or it would go off
>they're insistent on them being good around kids and good dogs to have
>sister shared a dog with her ex a long time ago
>when dog did something she didn't like, she'd yell at it or lock it in the kennel for hours
>her behavior hasn't changed, she still yells at things that don't cooperate, even tech
I don't think she's going to get a dog because she has 2 kids and they already take up her time, but on the chance that she ever does I don't know if I can convince any of my family not to get one, they won't listen to stats on dogs
I don't want to be proven right if anything happens to my niece and nephew one day
That's pretty impressive. Wrangling a wild shitbull like that is pretty tough, I feel like. One wrong move and it's got your throat

Splitscreens, Encouragement, Beatdowns, Chastity, Tiktoks, all are welcome...
...but especially beatdowns
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Any migrant/refugee invasion videos?
Imagine getting murdered and ending up in a gay fetish video
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Post girls enjoying getting ass fucked on an animalistic level.

Low, deep groaning, moaning.

Double fake internet points for Asian
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Steff's groans are goated. Ultimate slampig.
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just the right amount of chub to ass fuck this pig
shouda posted the back view one where he fucks her into the ground
Who's she?

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3.95 MB WEBM
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You literally proved your own point.... dumb fucking "4chinner".
built like the michelin man
Anyone have the one where the drunk girl tells her bf she doesn’t want him to watch?
"well we can turn it off now" bitch you better finish the job
Based anon

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No dicks/males
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not really
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only biological female (no tranny) niggers is ok but dont flood with only niggers
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>Anal in the ass
can we have some anal in the pussy plz?
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no it is too degenerate
yes i totally want to look at giant ogre feet right next to the girls face
looks like DEI is affecting porn studios as well, hire some decent directors

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Met up with a girl today. Gave me a bareback blowjob, has an IUD, but she made me wear a condom when we fucked out of concern for STD's?? Dunno if I'm being stupid, but I swear like all of them can be transmitted orally.
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wait rephrase that word salad, were you saying the giver or the recipient is at less risk?
I sucked 10 random grindr dicks within 36 hours while I was on a PCP binge and all I got was a sore throat
I've been monogamous since before the twin towers went down. like you wouldn't forget some shit you haven't had to think about for 25 years, if you've even been alive that long.
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So what are we supposed to post in this thread?

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Escorts, call girls, & all other women of the night
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No, the music is from bosnia/serbia and listened to all over balkan. Not ukraine
Y'all mother fuckers need Jesus
did the guy say how he did it and how much it cost him?
nta, but it's too late for that now. Onlyfans took her.
Dude said it was $1300 all inclusive, no filming fee, but it was in 2021 dollars. Now if you approach any of them , they're asking for $1600 + filming fee + fee for BBFS w/test results. Inflation is a motherfucker.

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Combat footage only, so don't spam webms of graveyards or anything boring.

As long as it's war-related.
286 replies and 200 images omitted. Click here to view.
this was a tactical nuke. everyone is using the cover story of MUH AMMO DUMBP. god open your eyes.
what a stupid fucking meem they dont have the office in ruZZia

File: O9ePbckze0kzqtu.webm (3.99 MB, 384x688)
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3.99 MB WEBM
Girls Gotta Go. A random assortment of pee/desperation/wetting tiktoks, voyeur, security cams and more.
201 replies and 138 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Best to keep it out of this thread

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